Episodes about Alex’s Personal Story

TDC 134: I Got a Vasectomy

TDC 134: I Got a Vasectomy

Alex got a vasectomy. He shares what the day was like, how he’s recovering, and how to get the best support you need (literally and figuratively).

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TDC 134: I Got a Vasectomy

TDC 133: I’m Getting a Vasectomy

Alex shares that he is done having kids, so he’s getting a vasectomy. He shares his mindset going into the procedure, the emotional struggle of coming to terms that he won’t have any more kids, and how he’s living in the now to live the best life he possibly can with his children.

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TDC 121: Gratitude in 2020

TDC 121: Gratitude in 2020

Alex reflects on the good that has come out of 2020. Even amongst all of the negativity this year has brought, there is some good to look back on and acknowledge.

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TDC 118: Counting Our Blessings – Welcoming Baby Jacob

TDC 118: Counting Our Blessings – Welcoming Baby Jacob

A very tired Alex and Deanna talk about the birth of their child, Jacob Alexander, and how his life was saved during the process by the amazing nurses who helped deliver him. Alex and Deanna also talk about some tangible ways to prepare for that day and get in the right state of mind.

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TDC 114: 5 Ways to Support Your Pregnant Partner

TDC 114: 5 Ways to Support Your Pregnant Partner

Alex’s wife, Deanna, shares her top 5 ways to support your pregnant partner. They are expecting their new son to arrive within a month and recount some of the ways the non-pregnant partner can make the lives of the pregnant partner easier.

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TDC 111: Gender Reveal, The Sequel! REMIX Edition!

TDC 111: Gender Reveal, The Sequel! REMIX Edition!

Turns out it’s not a girl… it’s a boy! Alex and Deanna talk about how they learned the news that they’re actually having a boy, how they’re shifting their mindsets and handling this news, and what the future holds for the next baby Albisu.

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TDC 110: 5 Ways To Combat Seasonal Depression

TDC 110: 5 Ways To Combat Seasonal Depression

Seasonal Depression usually rears its ugly head in the fall and winter seasons! But what does it mean and how can you fight it? Alex shares some ways he’s approaching it and offers some advice on some easy ways parents can implement it into their own day to day activities.

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