Episodes about Medicine, Health and Wellness

TDC 136: Diabetes and your Child (ft. Dr. Joe Houde)

TDC 136: Diabetes and your Child (ft. Dr. Joe Houde)

Dr. Joe Houde joins Alex again on The Dad Chronicle to talk about how he and his wife found out his son has diabetes. They talk about how it has affected their family’s lifestyle and how they’ve empowered their son to take ownership of his health.

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TDC 134: I Got a Vasectomy

TDC 134: I Got a Vasectomy

Alex got a vasectomy. He shares what the day was like, how he’s recovering, and how to get the best support you need (literally and figuratively).

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TDC 134: I Got a Vasectomy

TDC 133: I’m Getting a Vasectomy

Alex shares that he is done having kids, so he’s getting a vasectomy. He shares his mindset going into the procedure, the emotional struggle of coming to terms that he won’t have any more kids, and how he’s living in the now to live the best life he possibly can with his children.

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TDC 131: Sun Protection (ft. Dr Gerry Tolbert)

TDC 131: Sun Protection (ft. Dr Gerry Tolbert)

Alex invites Dr. Gerry Tolbert back to the show to provide some tangible ways parents can protect their kids from the harmful effects of the sun. They also talk about the benefits of Vitamin D and how to deal with “poor air quality”.

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TDC 130: Ditching Toxins (ft. Ken & Katie Storch)

TDC 130: Ditching Toxins (ft. Ken & Katie Storch)

Alex invites his brother-in-law, Ken Storch, back to the show, and also has his sister on to talk about how they’re living a cleaner lifestyle in preparation for their third baby on the way. They share some great ways to eliminate the toxic, everyday house hold items you’re likely using. They also talk about how to approach everyday life a little more sustainably for the sake of our environment and our kids.

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TDC 110: 5 Ways To Combat Seasonal Depression

TDC 110: 5 Ways To Combat Seasonal Depression

Seasonal Depression usually rears its ugly head in the fall and winter seasons! But what does it mean and how can you fight it? Alex shares some ways he’s approaching it and offers some advice on some easy ways parents can implement it into their own day to day activities.

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TDC 134: I Got a Vasectomy

TDC 108: Limitless – Chris Howe’s Story

Alex invites an old coworker of his, Chris Howe, to talk about his journey through fatherhood, alcoholism, and climbing the corporate ladder to find himself as an entrepreneur and recovered alcoholic. He shares some of the ways he was able to turn his life around and brings a great perspective of having hope and control over everything going on in your own life.

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